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Women Walking

Give a novice helper a leg up in their chosen field

Our “Help a Novice” program is all about you – as a hardworking professional in your field – to help out women just like you who want to get a foothold on their dream career. All you have to do is check out our directory of novices and let us know who you’d like to be put in touch with. We’ll do the rest.

Our mission

Girl preparing to spring clean kitchen

How does the Help a Novice Program work? 

Are you a novice looking to find work opportunities fast? There is a small fee to pay before you can take part in the program.


Once you’re signed up, we’ll be in touch to tell you all about job opportunities with trade professionals in your local area – whether it’s a one-off, temporary or longer-term position.


The experience is a collaborative one that benefits both parties:


As the customer, you will arrange to hire a novice helper to do the domestic jobs you need doing. How do you benefit? From getting labor at a lower-than-regular price from women who are keen to hone their skills and eager to impress!


As the novice, you will gain invaluable experience in the domestic help world. From there, you could find yourself taking on more challenging projects, establishing your own way of working, and ultimately growing your own business to success.


Proof of ID will be required by both parties and the age requirement is all the way from 18-80 – making to an inclusive opportunity all round.

We're happy to help you make a start, so please contact us if you'd like to find out more about the program.

Willing To Learn/Train Or Be Guided By The Customer
Happy Gardener
cleaner with cleaning products

At we’re an advocate for female-owned-and-run businesses. Now you can be, too! Get in touch to find out more about joining our mission. 

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